Thursday, July 31

Musical Therapy

So, I helped a friend move out of her house yesterday. There was a lot of cleaning and packing involved...the usual strenuous last-day-to-move-out.

And yet, in a house with no A/C, sweating and practically dying of heat and fatigue, I still had fun. Why? Because I'm a little insane... haha. Well that's beside the point. :-) But it was because of music, I think. I had my headphones on the entire time, rockin' out and having a great time, despite the discomfort and stress of the day's activities.

A little later that same day, I ran down to the corner store to buy drinks for everyone- with their own money, of course! :-) Through three alleys and two parking lots, I danced, with my mp3 player up as loud as it goes. When, in my old sandals, I tripped, I simply laughed and kept on dancing. When I got to the convenience store, I didn't notice the woman behind the counter. She was Indian...and so small and quiet that she was almost unnoticable. Anyway, I can only imagine what she was thinking when -believing I was alone- I came dancing (badly!) into her store. She looked at me like I was nuts, and proceeded to laugh uncontrollably at my embarrassment. I agree, it was funny!

There's a point to all of this nonsense- that music is a medicine for the soul. I mean, think about it. Your mood often reflects what you listen to. And listening to a catchy, happy tune can put nearly anyone in a good mood. Music works wonders. It certainly keeps my from fighting with my dad so much, when I've been listening to something good recently. Furthermore, music can bring about a sense of nostalgia. I remember every song I've been shared from those closest to me, and hearing them always makes me smile. It's a trip down memory lane to listen to some of them, and a select few are tangled up with SO many emotions...

In closing, music can work wonders for a person's attitude and demeanor. I think we ought to be allowing music more in schools and workplaces. Let 'em keep the headphones on! It may just lead to less bickering and irritable coworkers!

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