Tuesday, July 29

Reaching For Stars

I seek to change the world.

A bold statement, yes. Can one change the world? Perhaps. After all, we all live in this world. To change or affect one individual's life is to, in a sense, change a little bit of the world.

So, through my writing, I want to change something. Leave an impression behind me. Make people think. Perhaps I will not go far. I understand this, but I do not accept it. I believe I can change the world, one page at a time, one word at a time.

The dreamers of today are the faces of tomorrow. How we live will effect our lives, and the lives of our children, and our children's children. So let's not be afraid to dream a little. What is it they say? "Shoot for the moon; even if you fall short, you'll land among the stars." To me, this simply means to reach for your dreams. Who knows? We just might make it.

I'm just another writer, just another dream among millions. And if I don't succeed, so be it. I will have lived my life doing what I love best- writing. Anyone else with me? Let's create tomorrow together.

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