Tuesday, October 14

I'm Guilty of Pride

I have been writing all morning- I promised him I would keep writing, no matter how bad things got. So, I've been writing.

Anyway, I hit 17,000 words this morning. And if pride is a sin, well, I'm guilty! I've never been more proud of myself than this! The words are so beautiful, flowing across the pages. I love language. I love English! These 26 little letters have created something incredible.

Kissed is nowhere near done. But I'm so PROUD of what I've accomplished thus far!


Merc said...

Oh, I dunno, I tend to see "pride" as being full of yourself and boastful, etc. *shrugs* Not exactly feeling good about getting something you're happy with done.

I see nothing wrong of being proud of your accomplishment :) as long as you don't let it go to your head or lord it over everyone else (which I seriously doubt you'll do ;)).

Congrats on hitting 17k! :)


Jessica said...

Umm...nope, no lording here. *shifty eyes*

I just love what I do. All things writing are fabulous. I'm striving for that 100th page tonight. Another chapter and I should hit it!