Monday, October 20

Phantom of the Opera

Well! I saw Phantom of the Opera saturday night, and WOW! It was amazing!

Andrew Lloyd Weber is a master. I loved the movie version of it- it's probably my all time favorite show -but seeing it on stage was a different experience entirely. The wit was funnier, Carlotta was FAR more annoying without a mute button, and everything was just spectacular! The chandelier falling was pretty cool too. The music was absolutely enchanting, and the actors! They were just astonishing in their skill.

They had these flames shoot up on stage a few times. It left my eyes dazzled as they quickly changed scenes. I have never seen costume changes and scene changes done so quickly, smoothly, and professionally. These people are amazing!

Yes, Phantom was fantastic! If I had the money, I'd go see it again and again. For now, the memory will have to do.

I've never actually seen a play or operatta before. I think I will be seeing more of them in the future. The experience is so different from watching a movie. I want to catch more of Andrew Lloyd Weber's if it's at all possible. The man is a creative genuis, without a doubt.


L. A. Green said...

Sounds like you saw a great production of Phantom. I saw it live once, and it wasn't as well done as I hoped. I do have the DVD though, and I could watch the chandelier-raising scene with that powerful music again and again. It just pulls you in to the majesty of theater and the emotions of the story.

Great post. :)

Merc said...

It's amusing that my playlist is doing "Phantom of the Opera" song preformed by Nightwish right now. ;)

Anyway, sounds like an awesome time. :D I'm glad you had fun!

I would love to see PotO on stage... I'm hoping next time it's at the Ordway I can (read: have money to go).

I've seen Les Miserables, The King and I, which is also amazing, and I saw a HS production of "Phantom" years ago... that's another one I would LOVE to see done professionally. (I wear out my ST. O:))

Great post! I hope you do have a chance to see it again in the future. B-)


Jessica said...

There really weren't words to describe it.

yes, some parts were oversung and difficult to understand if you hadn't seen it before. But that's to be expected- perfection does not exist.

I hope you both get a chance to see it again. I'd love to see it done on Broadway. I think I'll be seeing some more shows after this...

Gutsy Living said...

Congrats on winning the contest. I've never seen Phantom of the Opera. Sorry to say.

Angela Ackerman said...

I haven't seen this one, but I sure want to. I've heard so much good about it, no matter where it plays or who the actors are.

Lin Wang said...

I wish I can see the production.

Anyways, I would like to say that I have awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award: